Throughout the Bible, the Holy Spirit has always been
female. She is the Comforter and teacher so often referred
to. I didn't come up with this theory. It is a basic from the
Hebrew language and from Old Testament scriptures. The
Holy Spirit or 'Rauch' ,was feminine in all of Solomon's
writings as the 'Divine Presence' was female, in Proverbs
and his other writings.
Proverbs 9: 1- 6
Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her
seven pillars: She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled
her wine; she hath also furnished her table. She hath sent
forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the
city, Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither:as for him that
wanteth understanding, Come, eat of my bread, and drink
of the wine which I have mingled. Forsake the foolish, and
live; and go in the way of understanding.
For she continually directs her people to the Lord and
the Saviour and asks them to forsake the foolish. She is the
Comforter, that whispers in our consciences, and tries to
teach us the lessons of life. Even though the patriarchial
church fathers decided to change 'she' into a 'he' to align to
their patriarchial dominance and subjugation of their women.
Even in the unfolding of the Lord's Sacred Name which
is YHWH, Yod-He-Vau-He, the First Yod was masculine
meaning God the Father, . The second He was the Holy
Spirit and female which is the point of this post..... While
the third letter Vau represents the Son and which of course
stood for Jesus the Messiah which makes the Trinity, yet
the Three are one.
But the Lord is not complete without the Bride , the people that love the Lord with all their heart and soul, and mind. These
comprise the last He, and she becomes ONE with the Trinity (John 16, Revealtions, Isaiah, etc. etc.) and the Holy Family and
Holy Name is complete. This is called the unspeakable and holy TETRAGRAMMATON, which could only be spoken out loud
by the High Priest once a year inside the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, for the hoped for remssion of all sins of the
people for the whole year.
So definitely , the Holy Spirit is Female , because there is absolutely nothing degrading about the feminine form, which is why the
Holy Spirit had originally and will always have this divine image in beauty, truth and grace. She is the comforter, and teacher, and
she will fly away if people don't obey her and follow her instructions.
Unfortunately, what this all means is that the writers and even the apostles in the New Testament, were not accepting to the
totally radical believe and principle of the Lord about the Equality of women and there equal place with men at the Lord's Table.
So unfortunately they changed, the obvious feminine Holy Spirit into a more macho masculine (He) in John 16 and elsewhere to
make it more acceptable to the masculine dominated world of their day. Nevertheless they did a good job and if they would have
tried to push equality too much back then it would have hurt the cause more than helped it as surely the Lord knew.
You can read about the conflicts between the women and the men's not-so-Christian attitudes in quite a few 'esoteric scriptures'
but because this open and secretive 'put downs' of the faithful women that followed Jesus when the men turned and ran, wasn't
so complementary of the men who voiced such unChristian comments about the Mary's and other women, such had to be kept
'esoteric' or hidden. But as mentioned, at least the hard-headed men did do some great hard-headed preaching of the simple truths
about the Gospel of Jesus. Yet who did possibibly the most in conquring the world for Jesus, but Mary Magdalene and Joseph
of Armathia. They conquered England and England conquered the world when the church joined the Romans and turned into only
a church and 'holiness' in opposition to the love of Jesus and the divine Female Holy Spirit.
But we can honour the Lady, the Mother of God, the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost, for of course she can be
female, because the Father and Mother created both genders, and female is as sacred and holy as male.
Receive the Love of the Female Holy Spirit Today ! ! !
Goddess Trixie
SEE ALSO Feminine Holy Spirit in PROVERBS
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Female Holy Spirit