David Jay Jordan's

                                Encouragement for the Forsaken, The New Nation

   To encourage those that feel discouraged because they aren't in a Christian fellowship or a so-called Body of Christ church, allow me to give
Biblical proof that the End Time gathering or nation of the Lord is NOT in existence yet. Consequently anyone that feels alone or outcast or out of tune
with other Christians need not consider themselves out of the Will of God as long as they have a strong connection with the Lord and know Him
personally. For believe it or not, it is actually the forsaken outcasts that the Lord calls into his fold, not those that think they are found. Because friends
and church groups can discard you and leave you, yet the Lord has promised that "He will never leave thee nor forsake thee' (Heb 13:5). He is the
Ultimate One , you need to have fellowship with. Communion is with Him, not just with others. Socializing with others is NOT the solution, whereas
Jesus was, is, and will be.

   So to understand the Last End Time movement of the Lord, you will have to understand that almost all the Prophets were prophesying about the
Latter Days and not just their era. They wanted to know and were told about the consummation of all World events, when the Lord would finally right
all wrongs by his godly and just judgements on the wicked. Hence Old Testament Prophets can not be considered old and past tense, but present day
prophets. And the more you read their spiritual words the more you understand the Lord's Spirit, (even the individuality and fire of each individual
prophet.) as all their writings fit together perfectly into one cohesive master plan that declares exactly what the Lord is going to do in the End Time and
how his army, His encampment, and His 'church in the wilderness' is going to come together.

   One of the clearest and easiest passages to read and understand is Isaiah 65. Herein the Lord said, ' I am sought of them that asked not for me. I
am found of them that sought me not. (anyone that goes searching for the truth, from whatever direction, will therefore have to find the Lord, no matter
what religion or nationality, intellect etc. etc. The Lord won't be revealing himself to the church folks, but those that are seeking and searching even if
in science or the humanities)

    I (Jesus) said, Behold me behold me, unto a nation that was NOT called by my NAME. (God's End Time Bride is a totally new nation, not an
already existing group or religion) Upon further reading, you soon, see that the Lord is extremely upset with the holier than thou, rebellious, all for
show, church people because when 'The Lord called they did not answer, when He spake, they did not hear. (They literally didn't learn the principles
the Lord had tried to teach them over and over again. This is why 'they did evil before His eyes' and did (of their own free will) choose that wherein the
Lord delighted NOT.

   Therefore they shall leave their name (whether Christian or Jewish) for a curse unto my chosen, for the Lord God shall slay them and call his
servants by ANOTHER NAME (So obviously the Lord has another name for His End Time Children of God, as He also marks them with their new
name on their foreheads, so we can tell they have been chosen. (cp. the A.C.'s evil MARK)

   For even Moses in the Old Testament prophesied about the Lord's final Nation of Children of God stating this exact same thing in Deut 32:21. The
Lord of Lords and King of Kings said, "They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God, they have provoked me to anger with their
vanities and I will move them to jealousy with those which are NOT a people. I will provoke them to anger with a 'foolish' NATION. (Not a group, or
a cult, or a bunch of churchies, but a NATION with POWER because the Lord is with them. He literally abides with them in the wilderness once again,
inhabiting the exact same tabernacle that He originally used once again. (See Maccabbies and the Ark on Mt Nebo)

   So again this Latter Day fulfillment (Deut 31:29) means both the Jews and the Christian church people and others are going to be moved with
jealousy against the Lord's Fellowship, this is why over and over Isaiah says that these forsaken ones, the downtrodden and oppressed will be rescued
from their isolation and trials. They won't be the beautiful people but the beautiful in heart people from all over the world, composed of every
nationality, every age group, every intellect, every religion because their hearts are RIGHT. They love the Lord more than anything, more than
fellowship, more than fame and glory, more than life itself.

   And He shall set up an Ensign (The Lord our Righteousness banner or flag) for the nations and He (not us) shall assemble the OUTCASTS of
Israel. (Isa 11:12) (They aren't the self-satisfied, well esteemed but the lowly and the humble (Isa. 57:15 66:2).For a small moment have I (the Lord)
forsaken thee, but with great MERCIES will I gather thee (Hang on the Lord will deliver us) For the Lord hath called thee as a woman FORSAKEN
and grieved in sprit and a wife of youth, when thou was REFUSED, saith thy God (those that have been ex-communicated by worldly groups will not
be forsaken by the Lord ....IF ... our husband is OUR MAKER, the Lord of Hosts is His Name and our Redeemer, the Holy One of (Spiritual) Israel,
the God of the whole Earth shall He be called. (Isa 54:5)

   Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my Name sake said, Let the Lord be glorified, but He shall appear to your joy and they shall be
ashamed (Isa 65:5) Who hath heard such a thing, who hath seen such things. Shall the Earth be made to bring forth in ONE DAY (Yes !!) Or shall a
NATION be born at once (Yes !!) (And it wasn't the state of Israel declaring unilaterally that they were the rulers of Palestine. It's a spiritual Nation,
totally separated from the world by necessity and totally in opposition to the worldly nations.) For as Zion travailed (struggled and suffered) she
brought forth her children.. (And the nation is delivered into existence in ONE DAY.

   It all happens when we go into travail, into labour before the Anti-Christ mounts his worldly throne in the Temple at Jerusalem. For it is then that he
will attempt and almost succeed in destroying the power of the holy people (Dan 11) (not Israel, he's already conquered them, and they aren't holy,
only His people that love the Lord are holy) This is why Jesus warned us in advance, that we should flee into the mountains (Mathew 24:15-21) For
the woman (the true multiple Bride of Christ that is married to Him whether male or female) hath a place prepared of God (Petra?) that they should
feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days (3 and a half year

   We have to assemble to survive the onslaught and evil wrath of the Anti-Christ, by gathering together in His Time NOT before. Yet the BRIDE must
be spiritually prepared for this coming UNION for as Amos said, Surely the Lord God will do nothing except He revealeth His secrets unto His
servants the prophets (Amos 3:7) For this true Bride of Christ has loved no other and not given herself or himself to any other love. She has sought
the Lord for the answers to life and the mysteries of prophecy. She hasn't loved this present life or this present world, but has been desperately praying
for guidance from Her LORD. She has NOT been lazily waiting for His coming in the dark, and she has not lazily thought that she would magically
get enlightened without any effort on her part. She has the OIL of the SPIRIT encapsulated in her flask. (Mathew 25) She is obedient and watching for
events her Deliverer spoke of. She has counted the days and known the times and seasons, and is READY Will you be??  

   Yet don't worry if you aren't right now, as there's still sufficient time to prepare yourself. therefore you don't have to condemn yourself if you aren't
presently part of a group or fellowship because of your location, circumstances, ideals, etc. etc For many of these groups at worse, are a curse to your
spiritual progress and at best mere precursors of the much, much greater Fellowship of the LORD to come.

   So whether in or out of a group, the LORD knows your heart and conditions you are under, so you need only remain faithful to Him and learn from
Him where ever you are. For even if none go with you, as the song says, still you will follow, you won't turn back, you won't turn back. He has never
lost one of His Sheep and he will definitely save and deliver ALL of His Lambs (John 10)and bring them into His One SHEEPFOLD of the End Time
in His Time.

In His Service
Jay (David)

August 28, 2000
Heavenly Mysteries - Prophecy