David Jay Jordan
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Mathematical Proof of the Design of the Solar System
Distances, Diameters, Speeds, Times.


.For it takes a little study and a little memory and a little conceptualization in your minds. Because we will be studying the ratio,
the mathematical ratio of 'beauty and power' called the Golden Section.Study it and know it by heart and in mind NOW[link to
davidjayjordan.com] OK, lets go over FIRST, the basic diameters of the Earth and Moon before going any further.7920 miles, and
2160 miles...... Got it. Remember this ratio, as you will need to know it later....792 and 216.These are not by chance but by
design, for together they add up to 10080. In other words, the Earth and Moon conjoined together add up to 10080.This should
mean nothing to you, until you study the Golden Section design of a pyramid, a phi pyramid, the ultimate physical temple,
whereas we are the ultimate living temple. Both PHI or GOLDEN SECTIONED DESIGNED.These graphics will make it easier
to see and visualize to cement in your minds that phi pyramids, us and the Earth/Moon are golden section designed.[link to
davidjayjordan.com] Then we shall proceed further and further and further, so that your mind will whirl in confirmations and
design in all areas of science...and you will know that our Solar System is special and divine and divinely ratio-ed and 'Earth is the
Center of the Universe' by DESIGN.Let the discussion and confirmations begin. (Mathematical intelligent people welcome..... as
only the sincere ever seek and find)OK have you got the basic phi ratio established mathematically in your brain... then you
should be able to comprehend this easy to understand application to our Solar System.

Who made the Sun, Moon, and Earth Distances & Ratios ?(from [link to davidjayjordan.com] )

If the Universe and more specifically our Solar System came about randomly and by chance through an undirected chaotic
evolutionary "Big Bang" explosion, then there should be no rhyme or reason or ratio's involved in distances, diameters, speeds and
times between heavenly bodies. But such is NOT the case. So allow me to prove it, for even though this was common knowledge
among the - elite- secret mystery schools of the past, any searching seeking individual in the present can find out these truths
NOT of "Mother Nature" or "Mother Cosmos" but of our common CREATOR.So let’s start by realizing the basic
relationship between the Earth and its only Moon. We know now that its generalized diameter is 7920 miles, with the Moon’s
diameter being 2160 miles. But in the "sacred geometry" known by the ancients, these two distances were added together, 7920 +
2160 gives 10,080 miles. (The center of this distance being the perfect manageable number according to Plato 5040. (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x
3 x 2 x 1)). But wait a minute 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and lo and behold 1.272 is the square root of - phi - or the
square root of the Golden Section, which is the "magical star template'.Yet you might ask, "So what?"

Well, the golden section is NOT only the template of design of our own bodies (See Golden Section class) but also the design
principle involved in PYRAMIDS and the basic-building block of the Earth and computers, CRYSTALS. “You mean, its all
connected ?" That’s right !, there was only One Creator, One Common Designer, that is logic, that’s math, and that’s
scientific law.Slow down, many might say, "You can’t integratively join up all of life and all the cosmos on two numbers."
Well, they would be right, but its Not two numbers but all numbers, all sizes and distances are exactly put in place for divine
preciseness. "What distances, and even times and speeds are SACRED ?" Yes, of course they are for they are interrelated, as
distance equals time multiplied by speed, etc. etc. And the Key to all their inter-relationships is the “Path of the Beautiful�
as the physicists call it and the lines and shapes of Beauty called the "Golden Section".For is it by chance that the MOON is
216,000 miles away from the Earth, 1/100th of its diameter size, and that the Moon’s radiant angle in the sky is the same as
the Sun’s, meaning from our point of view they are equal, even though different in actual sizes. One being the greater or
brighter light and the other being the "lesser light" (Genesis 1). Besides with this design, lunar eclipses are possible, so that when
the moon gets between the sun and the Earth, their circumferences match, and the Moon radiates with the Sun’s rays."Whoa -
wait another minute, you are not saying this Creator person, put the Sun exactly in place or us exactly in place to correlate our
sizes, even to achieve eclipses, are you ?"

The answer is YES. For again it is no coincidence that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away from us meaning it takes 500 seconds for
light to reach us from there, or light 1000 seconds to reach across our orbital diameter around it. Because light speed is the set
standard of the material world for below it, everything in the material world exists. Therefore as Einstein figured out and others
have known intuitively, light has a "sacred speed" and because we have already shown that there are sacred distances, and now a
scared speed, then of course time is "sacred" meaning every second of time."But seconds are related to speeds are related to
distances?" YES for similarly if you have studied Pyramids, especially the Giza or Great Pyramid, you might realize that it also
had a radius or height of 500 but this time in feet. (Correlate = a year British prophecy). And then when you realize that Giza
with its golden capstone in place would with this height have a base of 792 because of its golden section design, you get right back
to the Earth's number of 792 x 10 = 7920."O.K. b why is 792 a scared measurement you should logically ask?" Because the Lordâ
€™s reed or rod carried by the angel was a furlong, and a furlong was 660 feet or 7920 inches, and when the Lord eventually
materializes "New Jerusalem - the Crystal Pyramid Temple" for the Universe it is 12000 furlongs on its sides ( Revelation's 21) or
(12,000 x 660 feet =) 7,920,000 feet. The common denominator is 792, a very special number for very special reasons and it all
points back to the Creator of the Universe….even where he was born. For isn’t the sum total or circumference of 792…3168
and wasn’t the Creator born on that exact latitude of 31.68 (Bethlehem’s exact latitude) in the exact year He was
prophesied to be born. (Daniel 9). (So now I have given away the clues as to the secret of who the Creator was, for it is verifiable
by anyone that truly searches. For He was much more than a man, but the Sun of Righteousness. The Creator had and has a very
specific Name, and is called the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and His Name is JESUS.

In His Scientific Truth    Jay


Ratios are ratios regardless of the unit of measure. First you must understand mentally that the Golden Section is a RATIO, a
ratio that whether it spirals down in a phi spiral or outward in a phi spiral always keeps its integrity and properties and power
because it is a RATIO.

So whether in the macrocosm or the microcosm, the golden section is powerful, for sub atomic particles enter and leave via the phi
spiral of creation. Its not a numbers trick it is a RATIO.... then we can talk about your central phi core or phi golden sectioned
body regardless of your distances as the ratios are exact, not your absolute values but the division of your values or RATIO.

Know the ratio    1/1.618    or    1.618/1

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